Ultimate > Ultimate Expeditions
Ultimate Expeditions- Safety Briefing

Expeditions in the Ultimate Zone are big, complex trips with the potential for massive adventures.
They will be hugely rewarding but the scale of the trip mean there are a number of hazards to think about and risks to minimise so you can return safely from you epic adventures.
- Think of the scope of your trip, understand what you need to achieve
- Think of all the worst case scenarios and have contingency plans in place, just in case
- Leave copied of all your plans and contingencies at home or with local authorities
- Ensure all memeber of your team have access to all the information they need
- Document everything, write lists, tick things off- don't miss anything
- Have a plan of how to end the trip early and return safely home if necessary
- Research local laws and cultural guides
Get to know your trip and prepare for every eventuality
- Research how you will keep in contact with your home country or field base whilst away
- Ensure you have a contingency in case your preferred method of communication fails
- Understand the importance of being able to communicate with sub-teams, field base and home country
- Have a clear emergency plan- how, when, who will contact emergency services if required
- If utilising electronic communcations, ensure spare batteries and chargers are available
- Understand limitations of local communication systems
- Have a clear plan of who will contact whom and when, even for simply "keeping in contact" communications
Organising and utilising different forms of communication is so important